Student Loan Problems

Student Loan Debt is a Rising Problem

“Over 44 million Americans collectively hold nearly $1.5 trillion in student debt. That means that roughly one in four American adults are paying off student loans. When they graduate, the average student loan borrower has $37,172 in student loans, a $20,000 increase from 13 years ago. ”

Citation: CNBC

Overview of our Services

Student Loan Defaults are a real problem in the U.S. today. But not to worry, because there are options we can assist you in handling loan payments:

• Loan deferment

• Income repayment plans

Borrowers with student loans face limited options. For instance, some private lenders offer forbearance if a borrowers can’t make payments, and discharging a student loan in a bankruptcy can be difficult if you don’t have the right representation to get you through the process. We can help.